Mobile and the Medical field

I have been researching at vertical or specialty markets for mobile learning. One area that has really peeked my interest is the medical field. I have noticed that the doctors I have visited lately have all had laptops or desktops computers in their exam rooms. On a recent visit to a specialist the doctor interviewed me entering information into his laptop. After he was finished he popped in a VHS video in a VCR connected to a tiny little TV and left me to watch it. I could not help thinking about the opportunity here. He could have combined the technologies and had both on one ipad. The video could also have had interactive content allowing me to dig deeper if I had any questions. I can think of many potential applications that would take advantage of the mobile platform. I this case the patient could have learned the baseline information about their diagnosis. What if they wanted to learn more? That same content could be online and the patient could have checked a box or entered an email address so more information could be made available to them after they get home.
Here are some links to additional research I found on the web.