Essential Marketing Videos for Real Estate

20233035_1259952067464596_1346277392457719514_oIf you follow my blogging you know I am a believer in the power of video. It’s one of the most powerful tools available for marketing a business today. Take a look at Youtube for example. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and third most visited site after Google and Facebook. I would say that never before has it been this easy for a business to create and distribute their own content. Not only that it can happen almost instantly. For example Live Streaming is quickly becoming one of the biggest things in marketing.

Oc course there is much more to it than just switching on the camera and pressing go live. You need to understand your audience or customer base and create good content that is timely and relevant to them. You also need a great product but lets leave that for another conversation.

For now we will also assume you have established an Instagram account and have a good following. You also have a solid Facebook page and have a connected and engaged community. Or at least a good start. If you are generating good content these will grow and evolve with you. Your rock solid social media strategy may also include a blog with interesting content and perhaps a twitter account with a good following. These all will work together to build a community around your product. In this case you are the product. A solid real estate team that can get the job done.  Now lets talk about those video again. You know the videos for your real estate business, the 15 Essential Marketing Videos for Real Estate.

while doing some research I ran across this blog on these essential marketing videos and I would say it pretty much is spot on. Here is the high level list. I’ll let you click through and see the specifics on each point. My opinion is that we could tweak on these and change some of the specifics but its pretty close.

  1. Interview Videos
  2. Informational Videos
  3. Local Business Review Videos
  4. Live Stream
  5. Listing Videos 
  6. Agent\Office Promo Videos
  7. “About Me”/Agent Profile Videos
  8. Neighborhood Videos
  9. Community Events Videos
  10. Testimonial Videos
  11. “How-to” Videos
  12. Housing Market Updates Videos
  13. Humorous Videos
  14. Instagram & Snapchat Videos
  15. Year-in-Review Videos

Here is a sample of one of the type of listing videos we do. This video was produced for Rain City NW & Keller Williams. 


Here is the artacle that inspired this blog piece. 15 Essential Marketing Videos Every Real Estate Agent Should Create